Language is the key determinant to success and has a central role, particularly in the development of intellectual, social, and emotional person and in study all fields of study. Language is expected to help someone in this case I am talking about is the learners to know themselves, their culture and the culture of others, put forward ideas and feelings, participate in the community who use the language, find and use analytical skills and imaginative in that.
There are several different methods commonly used by a teacher or instructor in the student participants to enhance learning methods such as discussions, lectures, etc. Inquiry. I would like to introduce one method, namely method of TPR (Total Physical Response) as a technique of presentation in teaching, especially in foreign language learning, whether English, Japanese, French, and others.
Learning method is a science that talk about ways to deliver learning materials, so mastered by learners in other words the science of the teachers teach and students learn.
1.The meaning of TPR (Total Physical Response)
According to Richards J in his book, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, TPR is defined:
"A language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it Attempts to teach language through physical (motor) activity."
So the method of TPR (Total Physical Response) is a language learning method developed in coordination command (command), speech (speech) and motion (action); and tried to teach language through physical activity.
Meanwhile, according to Larsen and Diane in the Technique and Principles in Language Teaching, TPR or also known as "the comprehension approach" or approach that is a method of understanding a foreign language approach to instruction or command.
2.the activity in PBM TPR Method (Teaching and Learning).
In the process of learning and teaching by using TPR method is a lot of activities that can be done by teachers and students, among others:
a.the exercise by using the command (Imperative Drill), is the main activity conducted in the classroom teacher from TPR method. Exercise is useful to obtain the physical movement and activities of students.
b.Dialog or conversation (conversational dialogue).
c.playing roles (Role Play), can focus on everyday activities such as in schools, restaurants, markets, etc..
d.presentation with OHP or LCD
e.Activity reading (Reading) and writing (Writing) to increase vocabulary (vocabularies) and also trained on the composition of sentences based on tenses and so forth.
3.Teory of learning TPR
TPR language learning theory was first adopted by Asher was reminiscent of some of the views of psychologists, such as Arthur Jensen who had proposed a 7-step model describing fatherly verbal learning development of children. This model is very similar to Asher views about child language acquisition. 3 Asher presents an influential learning hypotheses are:
1.Terdapat bio-specific default program for learning the language that describes an optimal flow for the first and second language development.
Brain 2.Lateralisasi describe different learning function on the left and right brain.
3.Stres affect learning and what activities will be studied by learners, lower stress, the capacity of learning to be better.
Thus the TPR method of learning that may sound familiar in your ear. TPR method is not a new method if better methods of learning among others. However, it is better in my opinion, if an instructor or teacher to use this method because this method is very useful in increasing the motivation of children, especially in language learning.
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